Our fixed date Romania birding tours

Excellent value for money and guaranteed departure from a minimum of three persons

Danube Delta – Dobrudja Spring Tour (7 days)

One of the largest wetlands in the world! Its diverse habitats and very rich birdlife make it undoubtedly one of Europe`s finests birding destinations! The coastal Dobrudjean steppe, rocky valleys and woodlands provide a unique opportunity, especially in spring and autumn time, to see thousands of breeding and migrating birds, which are rare or missing in other parts of Europe! Birding in the Danube Delta during springtime is one of the most spectacular events and always produce a long list of specialties. The huge number and variety of birds present here at this time is unique in Europe. Colourful Rollers, Bee-eaters, Hoopoes and Lesser Grey and Red-backed Shrikes have already arrived and are frequent roadside birds. In May, the breeding season is in full swing and specialities to watch for include Dalmatian and White Pelicans, Pygmy Cormorant, White-tailed Eagle, Levant Sparrowhawk, Pallas’s Gull, Black and Grey-headed Woodpeckers, Thrush Nightingale and Paddyfield Warbler. Waterbirds are numerous and breeding-plumaged Black-necked and Red-necked Grebes, Glossy Ibises, Spoonbills, Squacco Herons, Whiskered and White-winged Terns are abundant. Dobrudja with its coastal shallow lagoons and karst valleys can provide different special birds from the actual delta such as Broad-billed Sandpiper, Marsh Sandpiper, Collared Pratincole, Booted Eagle, Red-rumped Swallow, Calandra Lark, Short-toed Lark, Pied and Isabelline Wheatears and Ortolan and Black-headed Buntings. We always design our tours to show as many special birds of the region as possible to our clients!

Latest trip reports:


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
May 18 ‒ May 24, 2025
Price from:
1690 €/person
6 places available
Late May along the Black Sea cost! Join us for a week of thrilling birding in Romania!

Transylvania Birding Tour (8 days)

Transylvania with its pine and beech forests, rocky gorges, and rolling grasslands, wet and alpine meadows offers a great birdwatching experience! In fact this rarely explored and long forgotten part of Europe is getting more popular especially for its wonderful natural heritage. The special birdlife of the area is amazing and Sakertours have been visiting Transylvania since 1994! In 30 years we have built up a great knowledge of the best birding places, and after running an extension to this area for some years we realized the need of a proper tour to this magical place. Finally we have a tour on its own which can still be combined with our Danube Delta – Dobrudja Spring Tour offering a unique 14 days birding in Eastern Europe. The timing is crucial as we also visit some high altitude areas in the Carpathians.

Latest trip reports:


Tour date: 
May 24 ‒ May 31, 2025
Price from:
1730 €/person
6 places available
Birding in Dracula-land! Fantastic birds, scenery and food! Come and join us!

Danube Delta – Dobrudja Autumn Tour (7 days)

One of the largest wetlands in the world! Its diverse habitats and very rich birdlife make it undoubtedly one of Europe`s finests birding destinations! The coastal Dobrudjean steppe, rocky valleys and woodlands provide a unique opportunity, especially in spring and autumn time, to see thousands of breeding and migrating birds, which are rare or missing in other parts of Europe! The goal of our autumn Danube Delta tour is to capture the real migration feeling and surely this is the place to witness this spectacle! The autumn migration along the western coast of the Black Sea is busy and masses of birds use this route to wintering areas further south. Lagoons with shallow water attract plenty of shorebirds, while in the bushy vegetation of the steppe habitats and along the seashore many passerines are hiding. The autumn sky can sometimes be full with raptors, storks and bee-eaters as they migrate south. Apart from the migrants we can still find a lot of the resident or special birds of the region such as White and Dalamatian Pelicans, Collared Pratincole, Isabelline Wheathear, Paddyfield Warbler, Sombre Tit, Levant Sparrowhawk. We will surely come across scarce and rare migrants. On our previous visits in this time of the year yielded birds like Greater Spotted Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Pallid Harrier, Lesser Kestrel Eleonora’s Falcon, White-tailed Plover, Black-winged Pratincloe, Broad-billed and Terek Sandpipers, Pallas’s Gull, Isabelline Shrike, Masked Shrike and Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler to name but a few!

Latest trip reports:


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
August 24 ‒ August 30, 2025
Price from:
1690 €/person
6 places available
Migration time along the Black Sea cost! Great birding in late summer, come and join us!
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